Enterprises and organizations in Uzbekistan
Number of organizations found - 102"RUSTAM" FIRMASI
TIN - 201346970, 22.09.1995
Activity - Production of knitted and knitted hooking products (14310)
Leader 0
Address company Khorezm region., Khivinsky district, GRP Khiva, 1733226501, UL.LOLAZOR 33
Organization status: Liquidated"RUSTAM" FIRMASI
TIN - 202617664, 19.06.1998
Activity - Retail sale in non-specialized stores predominantly food, including drinks, and tobacco products (47110)
Address company Tashkent region, Bostanlyk district, SSG SYLIK, 1727224856, UL.X.ALIMDJANA-28
Organization status: Liquidated Number of organizations found - 102